Peace Of Mind With Legion Laptop Locks

Avoid Becoming a Statistic with Quality Legion Combination and Key Laptop Locks

Want to avoid a repeat of last year, when Sally from accounts forgot to lock the reception area while everyone went to lunch, and someone took a chance with your laptop? Or maybe you had a friend that had their laptop stolen from their table at a busy restaurant in town? These things happen every day.

Laptops are more than just computers, which is why losing one can be a nightmare. Dependant on the brand and model, you could easily pay in the tens of thousands for a new one. But it’s not just the cost – it’s also the priceless information on the device, such as your address, credit and debit card numbers, and all your invaluable work and personal data.

Millions of Laptops are Stolen Each Year in South Africa

Sure, numerous software options can help protect your information, such as a VPN or a password manager, but what about physical attempts, like when you\’re at the train station, the bus station, the supermarket, the gym, or even while you\’re at the office? Simply put, if you want to avoid becoming another \”statistic\”, your first line of defence should be to purchase a laptop lock.

Invest in a Laptop Lock

Today, crime is widespread, and keeping your laptop safe and secure is more important than ever. If your laptop never leaves the house, then you might not need a lock, but if your laptop follows you out the door each morning, then you\’re going to need the extra security. Laptop locks, just like your laptop, is an investment. It affords you with the comfort and peace of mind knowing that your laptop is always secure – should someone try and pinch it while you\’re not looking.

We Are Specialists in the Provision of Laptop Security

At Legion Computer Accessories, we provide South Africans with an exceptional quality range of combination and key laptop locks. As computer security experts and certified laptop locks suppliers, our Legion locks come in standard lengths that vary between 1,5 m and 2 m, or we can customise a unique lock to suit your device and needs.

As one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of computer security gadgets and accessories, we believe that every laptop should always be safely secured in a quality bag while travelling or even when not in use.

Aside from our wide selection of key and combination locks, USB ports, cooling pads, media cards, minivacs, USB lamps, ID cards, and privacy screen filters, we also provide the most high-grade selection of blacktop loaders, clamshells, and over the shoulder bags with adjustable straps. Moreover, we have a selection of red, black, and blue top loader bundle carrier bags that boast a USB wired mouse and a multitude of internal storage compartments, to choose from.

Whether you travel by train or bus every day, or you’re working on a screenplay or a brand identity marketing campaign in various coffee shops around the city – give one of our quality Legion laptops locks a try. Delivering to your door and providing excellent warranties on all products – we are the smart choice for all your computer security needs.

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